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This work has been designed as a homage to my father and all the other people who despite the circumstances that they have to endure in life they have found the inner strength to embrace life in all its intensity, even in those moments when living such a life is not worth living in the eyes of other people.

Life when it smiles, when we have to find the smile in life.

Experience teaches us that life with his ups and downs can only be enjoyed if we live it to the full. Illness is not an ideal situation, nobody can truly enjoy it, but there is not guarantee in life that our voyage in this world will be exempt of these hard tests and it takes a very courageous person to sweeten the bitter moments in life.



Este traballo foi concebido coma unha homenaxe ao meu pai, e a toda esa xente, que a pesar das circunstancias que a un lle toca vivir, son quen de abrazar a vida en toda a sua intensidade. Incluso neses momentos nos que a vida non parece ser digna de ser vivida por outros ollos.

A vida cando sorri, cando temos que buscarlle o sorriso.

A experiencia aconsella, a vivir a vida plenamente, a pesar dos altos e baixos que vamos atopando. A enfermidade non e a situacion ideal, pero ninguen pode ter a garantia de estar exento, desas amargas probas que topamos neste viaxe que e a vida. que so os mais valentes son capaces de dulcificar.

   © Alexandre Cortinhas 2005

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